Friday, June 29, 2012

My trip to Virginia

Hey! Charlotte here, Today I am going to talk about my trip to Virginia that I took with my family last week. It was for my Grandma's 80th birthday! My fmily and I stayed at my Aunt Kara's house with my two little cousins. A few days after we had arrived we had all the family go over to my Grandma's for some family pictures. After we finished taking the pictures we went out for a delicious dinner at a seafood place! Then we all went back to my Aunt's house for cake and present's! My mom and two of her sisters surprised her by taking her the next morning for an overnight trip to West Virginia where she grew up and so my sister and brother and two cousins stayed at my Aunt's house while they were gone! We had a lot of fun in Virginia and it was great to see all my cousins Aunts and Uncles!!

Monday, June 25, 2012

There is nothing better than...

hot sunny days
splashing in the waves
drinking iced lemonade
spending time with your besties
sliding down a waterslide
sparkling pool water
having sleepovers
palm trees
floral dresses


nothing's better than snow cones in the summer!!!


Monday, June 18, 2012

Part 2 / Picture Time!

Lindsey here today! I'll be posting some photos to go along with Charlotte's post. :)

We had a BLAST at the pool together!!! <3

And what do we do at the pool? PLAY CARDS BABY!!! :D
{not edited}

We like to brush our teeth...though not as much as our other bestfriend, Marida! ;) <3

We are awesome! End of story. <3
I mean, c'mon.
Who else takes pictures in the bathroom
while brushing their teeth? ;)
I took a bajillion more pictures...and I hope to post them on my blog later on, and after I get them all edited! So stay tuned, girls! :)

much love forever,

PS. Charlotte and Sarah, I had such a GREAT TIME WITH Y'ALL!!! :D <3 We MUST do this again sometime. MUST! :)

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Part 1/ Fun days and late nights

Hey everybody! This is Charlotte and today I will be posting about a sleepover that I had with Lindsey, Sarah, My Sister Natalie and I. We spent most of the day hanging out at the pool swimming and trying to ge tan  but it didn't work out so well. We ended up getting freezing cold 'cause we were in and out of the water constantly! Once we finally decided to leave which was about 9PM we ate dinner and ate ice cream! Then we stayed up playing a very fun and entertaining game called Twister! Before we got in bed Sarah Lindsey and I all were brushing our teeth at the same time goofing off and laughing about everything and taking  random videos and pictures of eacother which you will see later in the week! It was from us goofing off in the bathroom that we got the idea to have a blog so then we stayed up late trying to put it together and come up with a name for it! This morning we woke up about 9AM this morning to Sarah and Lindsey's mom squirting them with a squirt bottle telling us it was time to get up and eat breakfast.After we ate breakfast we had to load up in the car to go to a bible bee that Lindsey and Sarah were doing which was a lot of fun to sit in on! (you will hear more deatails on it when we do our next postings!) So that was just a little bit of our sleepover but there is more to come when we do the next poste but until then i hope u enjoyed reading this!
