Monday, June 18, 2012

Part 2 / Picture Time!

Lindsey here today! I'll be posting some photos to go along with Charlotte's post. :)

We had a BLAST at the pool together!!! <3

And what do we do at the pool? PLAY CARDS BABY!!! :D
{not edited}

We like to brush our teeth...though not as much as our other bestfriend, Marida! ;) <3

We are awesome! End of story. <3
I mean, c'mon.
Who else takes pictures in the bathroom
while brushing their teeth? ;)
I took a bajillion more pictures...and I hope to post them on my blog later on, and after I get them all edited! So stay tuned, girls! :)

much love forever,

PS. Charlotte and Sarah, I had such a GREAT TIME WITH Y'ALL!!! :D <3 We MUST do this again sometime. MUST! :)


  1. lovely pictures! and yes we need to do this again sometime soon!!!!! :) <3

  2. I agree great job Lindsey!! We NEED to do thid again as soon as we can <3


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